Greenhill Books publishes quality military history for knowledgeable enthusiasts. We publish military history that matters and makes an impact. We are proud of every book we publish. We are confident that we publish the best authors on the most fascinating aspects of military history.

Greenhill Books submissions policy

Greenhill Books accepts unsolicited manuscripts for review. We acknowledge receipt of all proposals as quickly as possible but it may take a little longer to give you a full response. Please note that because of the volume of submissions we receive we cannot return any material unless you provide an SAE. Before submitting a proposal do bear in mind that Greenhill Books is a a trade-publishing house: we publish books for knowledgeable military history readers. Our books are made available internationally and are often translated into other languages. If you think that your work might be suitable for publication then please write to with a brief synopsis of your work and your CV. You need to be honest with us and tell us if your manuscript is under simultaneous consideration by other publishers or has previously been submitted anywhere else. If your proposal seems to be a good possible fit for Greenhill Books you will be asked to complete an author questionnaire and provide more details about your proposal. If Greenhill Books is not the right publisher we'll happily try to recommend other publishing houses that might be more suitable.



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The Editorial Department
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83 Bedford Rd
East Finchley
N2 9DB